Non Invasive Weight Loss Surgery
Non invasive liposuction is the name for a cosmetic surgery that involves the removal of fat from the body without the use of a scalpel. Liposuction uses vacuum technology to suction away excess fat and other deposits without making incisions in the skin or major damage to the area. Liposuction can be performed under local or general anesthetic and is done by injecting a small amount of anesthetics at the site to be treated. Some areas of the face and neck may require local anesthesia. In non invasive weight loss surgery, the surgeon will determine the best method for you. It may require the use of general anesthesia or local anesthesia. General anesthesia requires the use of general anesthesia for patients who are mildly sedated at the time of surgery. If you are mildly sedated, you may not be able to tolerate the local anesthesia used during your surgery. The use of local anesthesia is more preferred by patients who are mildly sedated. Before undergoing surgery to lose wei...