Does Medi Cal Cover Weight Loss Surgery?

When you decide to lose weight, the one thing you want to make sure you have is good health insurance coverage. Medi Cal is going to be your best friend when it comes to paying for your surgery. It might even be your only option, since many insurance companies don't offer surgery. But does Medi Cal cover it?

First of all, if you are looking to lose weight, and are already in a good health status, this probably isn't a solution you need. This plan is designed for individuals who are in fairly good health, who wish to lose weight and keep it off. So they can only benefit from Medi Cal. If you are in poor health or have other medical conditions, you may want to talk to your insurance agent about other options or a better plan.

Medi Cal does offer weight loss surgery coverage. However, you will have to pay the full amount of the surgery out of pocket. The medical costs, medications, and the recovery process are all expenses that you will have to pay for on your own. This is not always an affordable option. If you qualify for Medicare, Medicaid or a State Children's Health Insurance Program, there may be a lot of money you won't have to pay out of pocket.

A better alternative than Medi Cal's weight loss surgery option is a Medigap policy. This type of policy allows you to get additional coverage for people you care for who are also dealing with weight problems. It provides the same benefits that Medicare does, but you will save on premiums. This is because the plan allows you to get additional coverage as a group. You are not obligated to maintain the policy and can cancel it whenever you wish.

If you do choose to go with weight loss surgery, you will likely not be covered for the cost of it through Medigap. The coverage limits are different depending on the policy you choose. Usually they will provide for a maximum amount that the insurance company will pay out on surgeries. Be sure to check this number closely to ensure that you are still insured to the right extent.

If you do decide to go with the surgery, be prepared to lose some of the coverage. In many cases there will be a waiting period before your insurance company will begin paying for the surgery. They may also require that you return to a physical before the surgery and lose a certain amount of weight before they will approve the policy. Once you have reached your goal, they may approve your policy and pay for the surgery.

If you cannot afford the premium for the medical insurance, there are ways to lower the costs. Ask your doctor about prescription discountswhich may apply for medications you take for high blood pressure or diabetes. In addition, ask about reducing your level of obesity. These steps may not always bring about significant savings, but they are worth trying in case you cannot get Medi Cal insurance as part of your regular health plan.

To determine if Medi Cal covers weight loss surgery, contact the insurance company. You can get specific information about premiums, limitations, exclusions, and other terms by calling the MediCal program itself or by talking to a representative. This process is a bit time consuming, but it is generally easy to understand. For those who cannot gain access to insurance through their employer or the military, there are other options available for those who need help getting coverage for surgery.


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