Christian Bale Weight Loss

Oscar-winning actor Christian Bale shed 63 pounds in less than four weeks to play a pivotal character in The Machinist. The role was essential for Bale as he plays an obese man forced to perform extra physical activities in a film role. The actor is very committed in applying all his acting talent to every role, even though the role required him to lose weight or gain some. In this article we have looked at how Christian Bale managed to lose weight or gain weight for his role as Bruce Willis in the movie The Machinist.

christian bale weight loss

Initially the director assigned Bale to just play the role of Willis, which was very simple as the character was already played by someone else. The director believed that the character required Bale to lose weight, so that the actor would suit the part and also become physically fit for the part. The role required physical movement and activity which in turn required Bale to be physically fit and this was one of the reasons why Christian Bale decided to lose weight. However, he was not able to completely shed the weight he had gained during the filming of the film.

As he was playing the difficult and tough role of Willis, Bale had been carrying excess weight and was not happy with his physical appearance. He was not only an overweight man but also quite overweight for his height. This made it difficult for him to conform to the Hollywood type ideal of being slim and fit. Therefore, he had started looking around for methods of weight loss that he could do while playing the tough role. He had tried to go on diets and exercising but with no success.

He was not able to find a method that would suit his requirement of weight loss. He began looking for ways to shed his weight loss weight and even considered undergoing cosmetic surgery. But, he decided that he would rather give the role-playing duties to an actor who was physically fit as he was and did not want to spend money on procedures and surgeries that were not absolutely necessary. He then decided to try a Christian Bale weight loss program which he had read about online.

He came across several Christian Bale weight loss program reviews where people had written about their experiences with the program. He decided to go ahead and give it a try. It was a very good start, as the program was highly effective and required only dedication and hard work from the person who was going through the weight loss program.

The Christian Bale weight loss program was a 10 day fast based on the biblical fasting in order to give the body a chance to rejuvenate itself. It was a very good program, as it gave the person who was undergoing it a thorough detoxification, cleansing of all the toxins that were inside. So, he said that for him it was like a fresh breath and a new lease on life. He further said that this Christian Bale weight loss program was more effective than the usual ones he had tried before and had been unsuccessful in completely eliminating the extra weight.

Christian Bale had a great time while he was on the weight loss program as he was surrounded by positive energy and a new found zeal for life. He was able to get rid of all the unnecessary fat and was soon slim and fit as ever. It was only upon his admission of how effective this weight loss program was that he changed the course of action and opted for a three month long cleanse and detox diet. This cleanse and detox diet enabled him to flush out all the toxins and other harmful elements out of his system that had been haunting him for years.

He had a complete change of attitude and started his weight loss program again with enthusiasm and determination. Within a short span of time, he felt better and his body too was rejuvenated. He was able to burn off the excess fat like a champ. The Christian Bale weight loss program worked like a charm and God was gracious to him in giving him this wonderful opportunity to bring the faith and love into his life. It is really a miracle to see such a person striving towards a healthy body and mind.


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