How Christian Bale and James Patterson Succeeded at Weight Loss

Christian Bale has a stellar reputation for losing and gaining weight for his many movie roles. His first major weight loss role was when he dropped 63 pounds for The Machinist, which was released in 1997. For this role, the actor had to look extremely thin to fit the role. It almost ruined his chances for future movies where he would need to physically appear in large parts of the movie. This led to him gaining weight in the later parts of his films.

Bale went on to lose weight in his subsequent roles for instance The Thin Red Line and Casino. He was then nominated for an Academy Award for his work in The Thin Red Line. Then came his role as Bob Marley in the movie that made him famous. That movie catapulted him into superstardom and put him in the limelight with other heavyweight performers such as Gene Hackney and Russell Crowe. He was then nominated again for the Best Actor award for The Trader. This helped him to gain even more weight for his next roles such as Man On The Moon and Man On The Wire.

Bale's weight loss halted after his success but then he decided to take matters into his own hands and help promote a healthy lifestyle for himself. So he began jogging and participated in various charity events. He also hosted his own show on the Oprah Winfrey network. In fact, he went so far as to say on the Oprah Winfrey talk show that he was thankful that he could lose so much weight while playing the lead character in one of his roles because it allowed him to have more patience with other characters during the course of the series. This contributed to the character development of his character, while losing weight and keeping it off.

As well as this, Bale gained more popularity when he decided to take on the lead role in the superhero franchise The Dark Knight. He played either the Batman or The Dark Knight as either he faced off against The Joker or The Caped Crusader. His performance was so good that even his co-stars got to see the benefit of his staying fit and trim. This enabled him to continue playing these important characters, bringing out the same type of presence that made him such a star in his earlier films.

With all of this in mind, it is no wonder that Christian Bale has decided to take up weight loss and begin working out again. This has been a decision that has benefitted not only his career but his whole persona. For a few years, he had managed to stay fit and trim without exercising and participating in extreme fitness activities. When he chose to play the lead role in one of his best known roles, he did it because he knew he would be able to accomplish great things if he lost the weight he was carrying around. It also benefited his overall character, allowing him to enter a new role that he is sure to be extremely happy with.

It may not seem like much when you are discussing Christian Bale's weight loss, but the truth is that he has gone from a huge body to one that is lean and fit. People will notice that when he is in a role that he is not fat, he tends to appear as if he is very fit and healthy. It is for these reasons that he decided to once again get into shape, and he has chosen a role that requires him to do so. The role entails him to play both a plumber and an ex-policeman, so he obviously did not want to miss out on any opportunity to lose some weight so that he can look his best in his role.

If there is one role that you can compare Christian Bale's weight loss to in this modern day, it is that of Sylvester Stallone. Like Stallone, Bale has gone from a massive weight to one where he is lean and fit. Both men were able to maintain their bodies through years of rigorous training, and are still able to maintain their amazing physiques after years of being overweight. They are two great examples of how losing weight can be done while staying committed to a role.

There is no way that anyone should try to force themselves into dropping some weight just because they think that they need to look their best for a role that they are auditioning for. They should be aware of all of the risks that come along with trying to go from a normal weight to something more. Instead, they should seek out the many resources available for weight loss and find a resource that will help them take their weight off and keep it off. This is something that many men fail to do, and the end result is that they are not only disappointed with their weight after the fact, but they are also often unhealthy as a result. So, instead of forcing yourself to lose weight for a role, consider talking to your doctor about weight loss and finding a resource that will help you take steps toward healthy living.


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