What Does Medi Cal Cover?

A common question that many people who are contemplating the procedure to ask is "Does Medi Cal covers weight loss surgery?" The short answer to this question is "it depends". The reason this varies from insurance provider to the insurance provider is because each medical plan has a unique formula for what their plans will pay for. Also, there are a few other factors that can play a role in your particular case. Therefore, it is very important for you to speak with an experienced and highly qualified surgeon before deciding to have this or any other procedure done. This will ensure that you are provided with the best possible care and that your needs are being met.

In general, Medi Cal plans do offer some coverage for surgical procedures. However, there is no guarantee that these types of operations will be covered by your plan. If a particular operation is considered to be elective or cosmetic in nature, then your particular plan may not offer coverage. For example, liposuction is usually considered cosmetic and so is breast reduction. Some insurance companies will only cover surgeries that are deemed to be medically necessary.

In addition to this, there are some plans that have a broader definition of what is considered to be a cosmetic procedure. It is important for you to closely read the fine print on any document that you are considering purchasing to ensure that it lists all of the following covered services: tummy tucks, rhinoplasty, face lifts, liposuction, and even certain elective surgeries. Therefore, if these types of procedures are listed in your policy it may give you the impression that Medi Cal does cover these types of procedures, but it does not.

Medical plans do offer a few prescription medications that may help with losing weight. This includes the diet pill Fenfluramine. However, this type of weight loss surgery is only covered when the patient is having chemotherapy as part of their treatment. Also, if you take the prescribed drug, Fenfluramine, for an extended period of time, it can actually cause a decrease in the amount of fat on your body rather than an increase. That means that if you are interested in this type of weight loss surgery, you will probably need to seek out other options.

Another thing that you should be aware of is that Medi Cal does not cover any surgery for weight loss. The only exception to this is when you are having a gastric bypass or lap-band surgery. Under those circumstances, your surgeon will recommend that you use a certain weight loss medication in order to help you with your weight loss efforts. Again, if these medications are covered by your medical plan, they may also cover your weight loss surgery.

In addition to this, many Medi Cal plans will only cover specific types of weight loss surgeries. These will usually include gastric bypass surgery, liposuction and sleeve gastrectomy. For instance, gastric bypass surgery is typically covered with Medi Cal coverage if you have a BMI of 40 or less. For patients who are obese, liposuction is typically not covered unless they are also taking prescribed medications. Sleeve gastrectomy requires that you lose a significant amount of weight so that a sleeve will be removed from your stomach and your upper torso muscles will be reshaped.

Because there are so many different types of surgery that are covered by Medi Cal insurance plans, you should check with each individual policy in order to see what is covered. Many plans will even offer you a referral service in order to find out more about what is covered as well as any potential problems that you might run into during the procedure. While many Medi Cal plans offer a variety of benefits to patients looking to lose weight, there are some that also offer a specific type of surgery. Be sure to discuss this type of surgery with your physician, as you should know whether or not it will be covered by your plan before you have it performed. While it is true that most Medi Cal plans do offer such options, it is a good idea to learn more about each type of surgery that is available.

Medical insurance does offer weight loss surgery benefits, but you must understand the restrictions that come with each type. While most plans are going to cover a certain amount of weight loss, you may need to provide additional information to your doctor in order to get the weight loss surgery covered by the plan. In addition to the standard benefits provided, many Medi Cal plans will also provide you with a post-op program. This is a two or three week period where you can stay at the hospital for monitoring and help with any complications that you might experience during the procedure. If you are thinking about undergoing any type of weight loss surgery, it is important to learn more about the options that are available to you.


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