A Look at Christian Bale & His Weight Loss
Christian Bale has a stardom that comes from quite a few different sources. One of the biggest is his role as Batman in the Dark Knight. This was arguably one of the most well-received films of Batman's decade and led to Bale gaining a lot of weight for the role. Here, we'll take a look at how Christian Bale lost weight for the role, and what his actual diet was during the movie's shooting schedule. In The Machinist, Christian Bale lost an impressive amount of weight for the role of Batman. For his role as the billionaire vigilante, Bale lost a total of 63 pounds during principal photography. His first real weight loss role came in the memorable losing of the weight in The Machinist, when he lost an impressive amount of weight for the role of Bruce Wayne. For his role as the ruthless Batman in The Dark Knight, Bale needed to look extremely thin in order to be successful. His role of Batman changed as time progressed, but he still had to look his best for the film.....